Animatplot is build on top of three main classes:

  • Animation
  • Block
  • Timeline

A Timeline holds the information and logic to actually control the timing of all animations.

A Block represent any “thing” that is to be animated.

An Animation is a composition of a list of blocks and a timeline. This class builds the final animation.


Animation(blocks[, timeline, fig]) The foundation of all animations.


Timeline(t[, units, fps, log]) An object to contain and control all of the time


Blocks handle the animation of different types of data. The following blocks are available in animatplot.blocks.

Block([axis, t_axis]) A base class for blocks
Line(x, y[, axis, t_axis]) Animates lines
Quiver(X, Y, U, V[, axis, t_axis]) A block for animated quiver plots
Pcolormesh(*args[, axis, t_axis]) Animates a pcolormesh
Imshow(images[, axis, t_axis]) Animates a series of images
Nuke(func, axis, length[, fargs]) For when the other blocks just won’t do