Source code for animatplot.blocks.vectors

from .base import Block
from .image_like import Pcolormesh
import numpy as np
from warnings import warn

[docs]class Quiver(Block): """ A block for animated quiver plots Parameters ---------- X : 1D or 2D numpy array The x positions of the arrows. Cannot be animated. Y : 1D or 2D numpy array The y positions of the arrows. Cannot be animated. U : 2D or 3D numpy array The U displacement of the arrows. 1 dimension higher than the X, Y arrays. V : 2D or 3D numpy array The V displcement of the arrows. 1 dimension higher than the X, Y arrays. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The matplotlib axes to the block to. Defaults to matplotlib.pyplot.gca() t_axis : int, optional The axis of the array that represents time. Defaults to 0. No effect if U, V are lists. Attributes ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The matplotlib axes that the block is attached to. Notes ----- This block accepts additional keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.quiver` """
[docs] def __init__(self, X, Y, U, V, ax=None, t_axis=0, **kwargs): axis = kwargs.pop('axis', None) if axis is not None: warn('axis has been replaced in favour of "ax", ' 'and will be removed in 0.4.0') ax = axis self.X = X self.Y = Y self.U = np.asanyarray(U) self.V = np.asanyarray(V) if X.shape != Y.shape: raise ValueError("X, Y must have the same shape") if self.U.shape != self.V.shape: raise ValueError("U, V must have the same shape") super().__init__(ax, t_axis) self._dim = len(self.U.shape) self._is_list = isinstance(U, list) Slice = self._make_slice(0, self._dim) self.Q =, self.Y, self.U[Slice], self.V[Slice], **kwargs)
def _update(self, i): Slice = self._make_slice(i, self._dim) self.Q.set_UVC(self.U[Slice], self.V[Slice]) return self.Q def __len__(self): if self._is_list: return self.U.shape[0] return self.U.shape[self.t_axis]
[docs]def vector_comp(X, Y, U, V, skip=5, *, t_axis=0, pcolor_kw={}, quiver_kw={}): """produces an animation of vector fields This takes 2D vector field, and plots the magnitude as a pcolomesh, and the normalized direction as a quiver plot. It then animates it. This is a convience function. It wraps around the Pcolormesh and Quiver blocks. It will be more restrictive than using the blocks themselves. If you need more control, or the ability to pass data in as a list, then use the individual blocks. Parameters ---------- X : 2D numpy array The x location of the vectors to be animated Y : 2D numpy array The x location of the vectors to be animated U : 3D numpy array The x components of the vectors to be animated. V : 3D numpy array The y components of the vectors to be animated. skip : int, optional The amount of values to skip over when making the quiver plot. Higher skip means fewer arrows. For best results, the skip should divide the length of the data-1. Defaults to 5. t_axis : int, optional The axis of the U, V array's the represent time. Defaults to 0. Note this is different from the defaults that blocks choose. This default is chosen to be consistent with 3D-meshgrids (meshgrid(x, y, t)). pcolor_kw : dict, optional A dictionary of parameters to pass to pcolormesh. quiver_kw : dict, optional A dictionary of parameters to pass to quiver. Returns ------- list of Animatplot.blocks.Block A list of all the blocks used in the animation. The list contains a Pcolorblock, and a Quiver block in that order. """ # plot the magnitude of the vectors as a pcolormesh magnitude = np.sqrt(U**2+V**2) pcolor_block = Pcolormesh(X, Y, magnitude, t_axis=t_axis, **pcolor_kw) # use a subset of the data to plot the arrows as a quiver plot. xy_slice = tuple([slice(None, None, skip)]*len(X.shape)) uv_slice = [slice(None, None, skip)]*len(U.shape) uv_slice[t_axis] = slice(None) uv_slice = tuple(uv_slice) quiver_block = Quiver(X[xy_slice], Y[xy_slice], U[uv_slice]/magnitude[uv_slice], V[uv_slice]/magnitude[uv_slice], t_axis=t_axis, **quiver_kw) return [pcolor_block, quiver_block]