
class animatplot.blocks.Imshow(images, axis=None, t_axis=0, **kwargs)[source]

Animates a series of images

  • images (list of 2D/3D arrays, or a 3D or 4D array) – matplotlib considers arrays of the shape (n,m), (n,m,3), and (n,m,4) to be images. Images is either a list of arrays of those shapes, or an array of shape (T,n,m), (T,n,m,3), or (T,n,m,4) where T is the length of the time axis (assuming t_axis=0).
  • axis (matplotlib axis, optional) – The axis to attach the block to
  • t_axis (int, optional) – The axis of the array that represents time. Defaults to 0. No effect if images is a list.


This block accepts additional keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow()


__init__ Initialize self.
__init__(images, axis=None, t_axis=0, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.