
class animatplot.Animation(blocks, timeline=None, fig=None)[source]

The foundation of all animations.

  • blocks (list of animatplot.animations.Block) – A list of blocks to be animated
  • timeline (Timeline or 1D array, optional) – If an array is passed in, it will be converted to a Timeline. If not given, a timeline will be created using the length of the first block.
  • fig (matplotlib figure, optional) – The figure that the animation is to occur on

a matplotlib animation returned from FuncAnimation


__init__ Initialize self.
controls Creates interactive controls for the animation
save Saves an animation
save_gif Saves the animation to a gif
timeline_slider Creates a timeline slider.
toggle Creates a play/pause button to start/stop the animation
__init__(blocks, timeline=None, fig=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

controls(timeline_slider_args={}, toggle_args={})[source]

Creates interactive controls for the animation

Creates both a play/pause button, and a time slider at once

  • timeline_slider_args (Dict, optional) – A dictionary of arguments to be passed to timeline_slider()
  • toggle_args (Dict, optional) – A dictionary of argyments to be passed to toggle()
save(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Saves an animation

A wrapper around


Saves the animation to a gif

A convience function. Provided to let the user avoid dealing with writers.

Parameters:filename (str) – the name of the file to be created without the file extension
timeline_slider(text='Time', ax=None, valfmt=None, color=None)[source]

Creates a timeline slider.

  • text (str, optional) – The text to display for the slider. Defaults to ‘Time’
  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The matplotlib axes to attach the slider to.
  • valfmt (str, optional) – a format specifier used to print the time Defaults to ‘%s’ for datetime64, timedelta64 and ‘%1.2f’ otherwise.
  • color – The color of the slider.

Creates a play/pause button to start/stop the animation

Parameters:ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The matplotlib axes to attach the button to.