
class animatplot.blocks.Nuke(func, length, fargs=[], ax=None)[source]

For when the other blocks just won’t do

This block will clear the axes and redraw using a provided function on every frame. This block can be used with other blocks so long as other blocks are attached to a different axes.

Only use this block as a last resort. Using the block is like nuking an ant hill. Hence the name.

  • func (callable) – The first argument to this function must be an integer representing the frame number.
  • length (int) – the number of frames to display
  • fargs (list, optional) – a list of arguments to pass into func
  • ax (a matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – The matplotlib axes to attach the block to. Defaults to matplotlib.pyplot.gca()

matplotlib.axes.Axes – The matplotlib axes that the block is attached to.


__init__ Initialize self.
__init__(func, length, fargs=[], ax=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.