Source code for animatplot.blocks.title

from string import Formatter

from .base import Block

[docs]class Title(Block): """Animates an axes title. Follows the same syntax as a format-string, but the values to be replaced must be given as an array of values for each timestep. Alternatively can just accept a list of strings, one for each timestep. Parameters ---------- text : str or list of str Text to display as the title. Either supplied as a list of strings, one for each timestep, or as a base string with curly braces for any "replacement fields". ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The matplotlib axes to attach the block to. Defaults to matplotlib.pyplot.gca() mpl_kwargs: dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.title() args : optional Passed on to str.format() kwargs : optional If kwarg matches a field in the format string, then passed on to str.format(), else passed on to matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title(). Attributes ---------- ax : matplotlib axis The matplotlib axes that the block is attached to. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text, ax=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(ax) if isinstance(text, str): # Filter out only the keyword args which are things to be replaced # in the title text # Parsing trick from fieldnames = [fname for _, fname, _, _ in Formatter().parse(text) if fname] replacements = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in fieldnames} # Any leftover kwargs are assumed to be for matplotlib mpl_kwargs = {kwarg: kwargs[kwarg] for kwarg in kwargs if kwarg not in fieldnames} if mpl_kwargs: self._mpl_kwargs = mpl_kwargs else: self._mpl_kwargs = {} if replacements: self._length = len(list(replacements.values())[0]) if not all(len(array) == self._length for array in replacements.values()): raise ValueError("Not all arrays of replacement values are" " the same length") else: self._length = 1 titles = [] for i in range(self._length): replacements_at_one_time = {replacement: array[i] for replacement, array in replacements.items()} title = text.format(*args, **replacements_at_one_time) titles.append(title) self.titles = titles elif isinstance(text, list): if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in text): raise TypeError("Not all the elements in the list given as " "argument text are strings") self._length = len(text) self.titles = text self._mpl_kwargs = kwargs else: raise TypeError("argument text must be either a string or a list " "of strings") # Draw the title for the first frame self._update(0)
def _update(self, i): self.text =[i], **self._mpl_kwargs) return self.text def __len__(self): return self._length