Source code for animatplot.animations.animation

from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter
from matplotlib.widgets import Button, Slider
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from animatplot import Timeline

[docs]class Animation: """The foundation of all animations. Parameters ---------- blocks : list of animatplot.animations.Block A list of blocks to be animated timeline : Timeline or 1D array, optional If an array is passed in, it will be converted to a Timeline. If not given, a timeline will be created using the length of the first block. fig : matplotlib figure, optional The figure that the animation is to occur on Attributes ---------- animation a matplotlib animation returned from FuncAnimation """
[docs] def __init__(self, blocks, timeline=None, fig=None): if timeline is None: self.timeline = Timeline(range(len(blocks[0]))) elif not isinstance(timeline, Timeline): self.timeline = Timeline(timeline) else: self.timeline = timeline _len_time = len(self.timeline) for block in blocks: if len(block) != _len_time: raise ValueError( "All blocks must animate for the same amount of time") self.blocks = blocks self.fig = plt.gcf() if fig is None else fig self._has_slider = False def animate(i): updates = [] for block in self.blocks: updates.append(block._update(self.timeline.index)) if self._has_slider: self.slider.set_val(self.timeline.index) self.timeline._update() return updates self.animation = FuncAnimation( self.fig, animate, frames=self.timeline._len, interval=1000/self.timeline.fps )
[docs] def toggle(self, axis=None): """Creates a play/pause button to start/stop the animation Parameters ---------- axis : optional A matplotlib axis to attach the button to. """ self._pause = False if axis is None: adjust_plot = {'bottom': .2} rect = [.78, .03, .1, .07] plt.subplots_adjust(**adjust_plot) self.button_ax = plt.axes(rect) else: self.button_ax = axis self.button = Button(self.button_ax, "Pause") self.button.label2 = self.button_ax.text( 0.5, 0.5, 'Play', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', transform=self.button_ax.transAxes ) self.button.label2.set_visible(False) def pause(event): if self._pause: self.animation.event_source.start() self.button.label.set_visible(True) self.button.label2.set_visible(False) else: self.animation.event_source.stop() self.button.label.set_visible(False) self.button.label2.set_visible(True) self.fig.canvas.draw() self._pause ^= True self.button.on_clicked(pause)
[docs] def timeline_slider(self, axis=None, valfmt='%1.2f', color=None): """Creates a timeline slider. Parameters ---------- axis : optional A matplotlib axis to attach the slider to valfmt : str, optional a format specifier used to print the time Defaults to '%1.2f' color : The color of the slider. """ if axis is None: adjust_plot = {'bottom': .2} rect = [.18, .05, .5, .03] plt.subplots_adjust(**adjust_plot) self.slider_ax = plt.axes(rect) else: self.slider_ax = axis if self.timeline.log: valfmt = '$10^{%s}$' % valfmt self.slider = Slider( self.slider_ax, "Time", 0, self.timeline._len-1, valinit=0, valfmt=(valfmt+self.timeline.units), valstep=1, color=color ) self._has_slider = True def set_time(t): self.timeline.index = int(self.slider.val) self.slider.valtext.set_text( self.slider.valfmt % (self.timeline[self.timeline.index])) if self._pause: for block in self.blocks: block._update(self.timeline.index) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.slider.on_changed(set_time)
[docs] def controls(self, timeline_slider_args={}, toggle_args={}): """Creates interactive controls for the animation Creates both a play/pause button, and a time slider at once Parameters ---------- timeline_slider_args : Dict, optional A dictionary of arguments to be passed to timeline_slider() toggle_args : Dict, optional A dictionary of argyments to be passed to toggle() """ self.timeline_slider(**timeline_slider_args) self.toggle(**toggle_args)
[docs] def save_gif(self, filename): """Saves the animation to a gif A convience function. Provided to let the user avoid dealing with writers. Parameters ---------- filename : str the name of the file to be created without the file extension """ self.timeline.index -= 1 # required for proper starting point for save filename+'.gif', writer=PillowWriter(fps=self.timeline.fps) )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Saves an animation A wrapper around :meth:`` """ self.timeline.index -= 1 # required for proper starting point for save*args, **kwargs)